Brooks Plumbing Co. Blog: Archive for the ‘Water Heaters’ Category

What Are the Benefits of Heat Pump Water Heaters?

Monday, October 7th, 2024
white question mark on a blue background

As energy efficiency and sustainability continue to become priorities for Washington State homeowners, heat pump water heaters are rising in popularity. These advanced systems offer a more eco-friendly and cost-effective way to heat water compared to conventional water heaters. 

But what makes heat pump water heaters stand out, and why should you consider investing in one for your home? In this post, we’ll explore the key benefits of heat pump water heaters and why they are a smart choice for both your wallet and the environment.

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Why Traditional Tank Water Heaters Are the Better Option

Monday, March 4th, 2024
Technician servicing an hot-water heater

When it comes to choosing a water heater for your home, the debate between traditional tank water heaters and tankless water heaters often arises. While tankless water heaters have gained popularity in recent years, traditional tank water heaters still hold their ground as a reliable and cost-effective option for many homeowners. 

In this blog, we will explore why traditional tank water heaters are the better option, considering factors such as cost-effectiveness, reliability, performance, and environmental impact.

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Efficiency Ratings on Water Heaters: Why It’s Important

Monday, November 6th, 2023

Did you know that water heaters account for around 18% of your home’s energy usage? It makes sense when you consider what a workhorse your home’s water heater is. It keeps you supplied with hot water for numerous everyday tasks, whenever you need it.

Because you rely on your water heater so much, it pays to do some research on water heater efficiency. Here are some things to consider if you’re in the market for a new water heater. Doing 5 to 10 minutes of research can pay off in the long run when you’re an informed homeowner.

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Tank or Tankless: What’s the Right Water Heater Choice?

Monday, May 24th, 2021

hand-under-showerThe water heater of a home is probably one of the easiest appliances to take for granted, if not the easiest system to take for granted. And yet, this system is used every day for multiple purposes.

When it comes time for you to get a new water heater, or if you’re installing a water heater for the very first time in a newly constructed home, then you’ll want to make sure to get in touch with experienced professionals. Only a trustworthy contractor like us will be able to guide you effectively in making the right choice for your home—for instance, choosing between a tank and tankless system.

What are the differences? Is one better than the other? Read on to learn more!

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“Does My Tankless Water Heater Really Need Maintenance?”

Monday, August 17th, 2020

tankless-boiler-water-heaterThe short answer to this is, “Yes.” Of course, we’ll elaborate on that more below.

Look, we understand why you may not think a tankless water heater needs servicing just like a tank system would. While tank systems are large, sometimes fairly noisy, and have a pretty obvious presence in or on your property, a tankless system is just a small addition to the home.

But yes, they do need maintenance, and actually that maintenance is pretty similar to what a conventional storage tank system needs!

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Welcome to the 2020 Water Heater Debate!

Monday, October 14th, 2019

Good evening everyone, and welcome to the first water heater debate of this election season. Tonight, we will be asking our candidates, the tank and the tankless water heater, to demonstrate their ability to keep up with your hot water demands. This will be a competition of cost, efficiency, and comfort, so don’t go anywhere.

Understanding the differences between the tank and tankless water heaters can make a huge impact on your decision-making process, so if you are in the market for a brand-new water heater this year, keep reading below (Oh, and of course, remember to schedule your water heater services in Olympia, WA with our team, a proud sponsor of the 2020 Water Heater Debate!)

Now, on with the debate!

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Is It Time for a Water Heater Upgrade?

Monday, October 29th, 2018

Pipes of a heating systemYour home’s water heater was built to last a long time, especially if you give it proper care and maintenance. However, no matter how well you take care of this system, eventually it will need an upgrade. The trick is to be able to identify when you’ll need an upgrade.

The last thing you need is to find out your water heater has permanently failed, while taking a shower or doing something else that requires effective hot water usage. Keep reading to learn some of the warning signs to watch out for that indicated it’s time for you to go shopping for water heaters in Olympia, WA.

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Water Heaters: Why Is Water Temperature So Important?

Monday, August 20th, 2018

Pipes of a heating systemDo you have a storage tank type water heater? This is the most commonly found water heaters in Olympia, WA in homes today, so we wouldn’t be surprised. Even with recent developments in technology, resulting in the spread of systems such as tankless water heaters and heat pump water heaters, the storage tank water heater remains a reliable way to enjoy a steady supply of warm-hot water.

So, what if you are one of those who has a storage tank water heater? Is there anything specific you should know. Well, you should know about your risks. Yes, these systems are ultimately safe, so long as they are professionally installed and properly cared for. But there are risks involved, too, such as the threat of scalding that comes with a water heater whose temperature is set too high.

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Signs of a Failing Water Heater

Monday, June 25th, 2018

tank water heater in homeWith summer officially here, many homeowners are turning their focus to their air conditioning systems, making sure they are ready to keep them comfortable all season long. And when summer is over, their attention will be turned to their heater. What most people don’t give much consideration to, is a home comfort appliance they use year-round: their water heater.

This system is designed to last for quite a while, especially if they are properly maintained and cared for. No appliance or electrical system lasts forever, though, and eventually you will need an Olympia, WA water heater replacement. But what if you don’t know if the time has come to start shopping for a new water heater? Are there signs to watch out for?

Certainly! Keep reading to learn more.

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The Positive Impact of Maintenance for Your Water Heater

Monday, February 19th, 2018

tankless water heater on floorYou may have seen us mention in the past just how important maintenance is for your storage tank water heater. For one, this guarantees its safe and efficient use. Secondly, a huge part of storage tank water heater maintenance is checking the anode rod, or rather, the component responsible for absorbing rust that would otherwise affect the lining of the water heater.

Maintenance isn’t just for conventional storage tank Olympia, WA water heaters, though. This service is vital for tankless systems as well. Many of the tasks performed during tankless system maintenance are the same as for a storage tank system, but some aspects are different and require specialized attention—such as the problem with scaling.

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