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Plumbing Question: How Do I Know if I Have a Leak in My Plumbing System?

Monday, October 1st, 2012 at 11:30 am

Some leaks in your Lacey home’s plumbing are quite obvious, especially if they occur very near the fixture. For instance, if the pipe leading from your kitchen sink drain is leaking, you’ll quickly see water spilling out onto the floor. But because your pipes crisscross your home mostly out of sight, there is always the possibility that a leak will develop in a less-obvious and accessible area.

In fact, it’s often hard to know you have a leak at all, but there are a few tell-tale signs to watch for that can indicate a problem in your plumbing system. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to call a Lacey plumber immediately to find the source of the problem and minimize the damage from the leak. These signs include:

  • Lower Water Pressure – Of course, your home may naturally have low water pressure. But any sudden reduction in the pressure of the water coming from taps in your entire home or just in one area indicates a problem somewhere along the line. Even if you see no other outward signs of a leak, be sure to get professional attention right away.
  • Higher Water Bills – If you notice that your water bill has increased without a corresponding increase in your water usage, there’s a good chance that extra water you’re paying for is leaking out of a pipe somewhere.
  • Dampness and Unexplained Puddles – Dampness in any area of your home can indicate a leak as well. And a leak in the main water line leading into your home can often cause puddles to develop in your yard even when it hasn’t rained. If you notice this type of pooling, or if any of your walls or floors feel damp, you should suspect a leak and call a professional promptly.

For any plumbing repairs in the Lacey area, give Brooks Plumbing Co. a call!

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