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How To Waste Less Water in Your Bathrooms

Monday, August 7th, 2023 at 11:00 am


Here in the Pacific Northwest, we’re blessed with an abundance of freshwater sources. However, that isn’t a free license to waste water. In fact, many Washington State homeowners pride themselves on their low environmental impact. Part of “being green” in the Evergreen state means not being a water hog. Using less water has other benefits besides the environmental benefits: it will also reduce your water bills, something every homeowner will welcome.

We often receive questions from homeowners about ways to decrease the use of water in the home. Let’s focus on some of the ways you can decrease your water use in the bathroom. From showers, baths, and toilets, bathrooms are the biggest water hogs in a household, accounting for almost half of a home’s water use. Here are some easy ways to conserve water that’ll save you hundreds or even thousands of gallons of water a year.

Turn off faucets and showers when you’re not actively using water.

We know how easy it can be to leave the faucet running when you’re shaving, brushing your teeth, or washing your hands. However, this is a huge source of water waste. In fact, you can save a whopping 8 gallons a day just by turning the water off when brushing your teeth twice a day. 

Another way to save water when you’re not actively using it is in the shower. The “Navy shower” method allows for huge conservation of water. All you need to do is turn off the flow of water in the middle portion of the shower while lathering and washing your hair.

If you don’t want the flow of hot water interrupted, try shortening your daily shower or consider showering every other day. Shortening a shower by only a couple of minutes can save 150 gallons of water a month. 

Install water-saving fixtures, shower heads, and toilets.

Here are a couple of factoids about your toilet that may surprise you. The first is that a toilet should be replaced every 20–25 years. The second is that the average toilet uses seven gallons of water per flush.

If your home’s toilets have never been replaced and your home is 20+ years old, you can save a lot of water by replacing them with low-flow toilets that use a mere 1.6 gallons of water per flush. When you consider the average family of four will flush a toilet about 20 times a day, that’ll save a hundred gallons of water per day, easily.

Although replacing a toilet is a major bathroom plumbing service that should be performed by a plumber, replacing your showerheads, taps, and faucets with low-flow models is a fairly easy DIY homeowner task. 

According to the EPA, WaterSense-labeled bathroom sink faucets and accessories that use a maximum of 1.5 gallons per minute can reduce a sink’s water flow by 30% or more from the standard flow of 2.2 gallons per minute without sacrificing performance. Look for the WaterSense label when shopping for new, water-saving faucets and showerheads.

For professional plumbing services in Lacey, WA, contact Brooks Plumbing Co. today!

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