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6 Fall Plumbing Maintenance Tips

Monday, October 9th, 2023 at 11:00 am

A woman's hand holding a paper notebook and pencil against the yellow leaves in the soft sunlight. Autumn mood, empty space for text

Fall is officially here in the Pacific Northwest! That means it’s time to bust out your fall home maintenance checklist.

What’s that you say? You don’t have a fall home maintenance checklist? Well, now is the perfect time to start one! That’s because as a homeowner, you need to do everything you can to make sure your home sails through our extended season of cold, rainy weather and short, dark days. The last thing you want interrupting your enjoyment of fall is having to call a plumber for a burst pipe or a flooded basement.

Let’s go over 6 essential fall plumbing maintenance tasks.

1. Put Away Your Yard’s Water Hoses

Your home’s outdoor hoses and sprinklers helped keep your garden green, your car clean, and the kids entertained over the summer. But now’s the time to put them away for the season. If your water hoses are left connected and the temperature drops below freezing, water inside the hoses can freeze and expand. 

The result is that faucets and connected pipes inside your home will freeze and break. That’s why it’s important to disconnect your water hoses and sprinklers and store them inside for the winter.

2. Check Your Outdoor Faucets

After you remove the hoses, check the faucets for any leaks or drips. If temperatures drop below freezing, a leaking faucet can cause severe plumbing issues and potential water damage. You should also insulate all outdoor fixtures and faucets with styrofoam insulation.

3. Check the Interior Shut-Off

Your home should be equipped with a main water shut-off valve. This valve controls the flow of water to the outdoor faucets and is usually located in a basement or utility room. Shut off the interior valve and open the outdoor faucet valve to ensure there is no remaining water in the line that could freeze.

4. Insulate Pipes

Lack of insulation on pipes in unheated areas of the home is a common issue we see in the Pacific Northwest. But a cold spell of below-freezing temperatures is all it takes to cause a pipe to freeze and burst. Making sure your pipes are well-insulated is something that a professional plumber can do for you or it can be a DIY job after a trip to the hardware store.

5. Insulate Water Heater

Even your water heater can suffer in cold weather. If it’s not insulated already, wrap it in a water heater blanket. According to, water heater insulation could reduce standby heat losses by 25%–45% and save you about 7%–16% in water heating costs.

6. Check Your Sump Pump

In case of severe rain and flooding, you want to make sure your sump pump is ready for the wet weather. Check the float switch by lifting it for a second to see if it turns on the motor. If not, check to make sure it is plugged in or that there’s not a blown fuse. Check for any rust, corrosion, or visible damage. Lastly, check the filters on the pump and clean out anything that can cause a clog. 

For professional plumbing services in Lacey, WA, contact Brooks Plumbing Co. today!

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